The IMB personal computer (IBMK PC) brought has some of the desirable computer features confined in a small machine performing various functions. The computer was invented during the management of John R Opel as the CEO of IBM Company. In 1981, the IMB PC was launched with such capabilities as connecting to a TV, word processing, and playing games although it was not the first personal computer as Apple had launched theirs in 1977. The user memory was up to 16 kilobytes expandable to 256 kilobytes and used one and sometimes two floppy discs. The monitor had an optional color, and most of the production components were contracted from outside companies. For instance, the processor chip as from Intel and the operating system called DOS (Disc Operating System) was from Microsoft. In 1985, the new CEO John F. Akers focused more on improved its memory storage, mathematics, and a lot of expansion in computing capabilities. During this time, the IBM token-ring local area network that allowed sharing of personal computer devices such as the printers and files, exchange information, therefore laying the foundation for networking.
The IMB PC has developed greatly to the slick of the devices currently in use today, for example, the tablets developed from the same technology. Most of the features are similar although the today’s gadgets have a high processing speed and a big memory in addition to being portable. Nowadays the computer has several functions including television services and other audio and video players to provide entertainment. The 1980 computers still provided similar functions such as games, word processing, and television. Today’s IBM personal computers have many features and can accommodate several programs to help in their functionalities such as photo editing, video editing, and many others. Development of the personal computers is one of the best technologies that the world has seen because of it application in various fields such as health, education, and banking among others.
Malerba, Franco, et al. “Vertical integration and disintegration of computer firms: a history-friendly model of the coevolution of the computer and semiconductor industries.” Industrial and Corporate Change 17.2 (2008): 197-231.