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October 25, 2020
Process Work for the CRRA: Playing With Words – Practicing Critical Reading
October 25, 2020

The Idea of Sacred Space.

Choose a passage in the Bible, rabbinic literature, or the Qur’an that describes sacred space. In your paper:

1. Identify and analyze the literary motifs that are used to construct an idea of sacred space in the respective passage.
2. Discuss the events in the passage that make space sacred.
3. Carefully assess how space is described, along with its context (if possible).

Because this is a research paper you are required to cite six secondary sources, according to the following guidelines:

• Interact with To Take Place: Toward Theory in Ritual by Jonathan Z. Smith (one secondary source), and cite at least one other textbook (second secondary source).

• The paper is also expected to interact with and cite primary sources (such as the Bible or the Qur’an), in addition to the selected passage. These are considered primary sources, however, and should not be listed in the bibliography of secondary sources. Other than To Take Place and the selection of at least one other textbook, there needs to be at least 4 additional secondary sources used and cited properly

• Need more information? See commentaries on the selected biblical texts above, especially those in the Anchor Bible Commentary Series. Students should also consult references works in their preliminary research, such as The Encyclopedia Britannica and Encyclopedia Judaica, among others.

• DO NOT USE INTERNET SOURCES. While the use of Internet databases is permissible and encouraged (such as JSTOR and ATLA), the use of Internet sources is generally discouraged. Examples of unacceptable internet sources:

– Wikipedia and other online encyclopedias.

– A searchable online Bible, such as or Bible Gateway.

– Any blog or discussion group.

– Newsfeeds such as CNN, MSNBC, or Fox.

• Each secondary source should be cited parenthetically, within the sentence, and done so in a consistent manner. The citation should include the author’s last name, year of publication, followed by the relevant page number; i.e., “…(Smith 1987: 93–94).”

• In addition to the paper’s minimum seven pages, the student should include a separate page at the end, listing the full bibliographical references to every secondary source cited within the paper, arranged alphabetically.

The use of Internet sources will result in a half-letter grade penalty (per source), at minimum. Furthermore, the paper grade will be reduced by a third of a letter per each missing source. In other words, a bibliography of only four sources will result in a reduction of 6.5 points. Please note the following guidelines:

• The paper will have a cover page that includes the essay’s title as well as the thesis statement. A template for the cover page will be made available on ELMS. The cover page, like the bibliography, does not contribute towards the minimum page length.

• Each page should be numbered; lack of page numbers will result in a penalty