The Human Rights Tradition in France : Its roots, its development, contemporary issues

IT Impact on Business Individual Assignment Academic Essay
September 11, 2020
Learning for the 21st century
September 11, 2020

The Human Rights Tradition in France : Its roots, its development, contemporary issues

The Human Rights Tradition in France : Its roots, its development, contemporary issues

Order Description

– Use the book ( Jean Comby with Diarmaid McCullough, How to Read Church History Vol.2 ) as a SOURCE .

Essay Instructions


• Paper of about five pages (double-spaced) on a topic drawn from materials covered or proposed for class.
• Your introductory paragraph should have a clear thesis statement that does not argue the obvious and that shows your awareness of the topic’s significance. It should suggest how you will develop your paper.
• The essay should have a clear structure so that paragraphs are related coherently to one another and transitions are smooth. Avoid simple summary. Support your assertions with references to reliable scholarly sources, (not Internet or encyclopedia summaries). Provide a brief summary at the end of the paper that shows that you have fulfilled your purpose.
• A first page should gives the title of the paper, your name, the Course Title, Number, and date. Avoid further embellishment. Include at the end of your paper a separate Works Cited page. Footnotes and Bibliography must follow MLA or Turabian style.
• Above all, avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism includes over-reliance on outside help. I encourage you to seek assistanceif needed, but do so at CTL where tutors will see that it is your work that is being submitted. Questions of plagiarism will be referred to the Academic Integrity Board and may be submitted to Turnit in. A finding of plagiarism will lead to a failing essay grade and whatever other penalties the Board assigns.

Areas for Topics: These broad areas drawn from the textbook ( Jean Comby with Diarmaid McCullough, How to Read Church History Vol.2 ) contain within them many possible topics for deeper study. Read related chapters for background. Choose one and identify a particular question you can address in depth within the limits of the paper. Keep your topic narrow and have a clear plan of how you will develop it. Remember that you must relate the topic to its impact on the church and/or the church’s response to it.

• The Human Rights Tradition in France -(Its roots, its development, contemporary issues) You may focus on one right