An article about worldwide conflict resolution
July 18, 2020
Classify these temporary tax differences on her books at year-end. In your memo give FASB sources for her that validates your balance sheet presentati
July 18, 2020

The Home-School Connection

The Home-School ConnectionEssay will need to analyze a specific issue of interest to student in relation to race, class, culture, ethnicity, language, and/or nationality as this issue affects the connections between families and their students with schools and their teachers. Essay should include 3 references that provide and 2 other scholarly sources researched independently. Student should not focus on problems in building home-school connections, but essays should also include an examination of curriculum and instruction that provide positive academic and social experiences for youth.What role does schools, family, and community play in gender, race, or class issues on a particular issue? Pick one topic to write about: Explore a particular ethnic group and research what barriers and success this particular group faces in education
Cultural mismatch between students and teachers
Language ESL education
Dual Immersion programs
Using Ebonics in schools
Special Education issues
Standardized Testing
Cultural assimilation and acting white/camouflaging intelligence
Fitting in at school (sexual orientation, class differences, etc.).
Issues of gender at home that may affect girls or boys behavior and academic success at school
Peer pressure at school or in the neighborhood
Issues of violence in schools and in neighborhoods
Tracking in schools
Health issues such as nutrition at home and at school (hunger, obesity, etc.)
Is school curriculum relevant to students lives/multicultural education
Children of immigrant parents face issues such as language brokering, parents unable to participate in parent/teacher meetings due to language barriers or work, and not being able to give them tangible, practical advice on how to navigate the college going system
Physical decay of schools and communities
Issues that principals and administration face in dealing with some of the above concerns
How the cool pose culture clashes with school culture
Learning service requirements or senior projects in high schools
Teaching empathy in schools through volunteer work, animals, and/or plants
Use of school uniforms to prevent gang affiliation clothing items or classism, etc.