A study to compare between DAX and CT scan to diagnose osteoporosis in elderly women Academic Essay
August 22, 2020
Operations Design & Management: Audit Report
August 22, 2020

The good

Topic: The good

Order Description
Your essay must answer the following question: how has this class challenged your understanding of the good? In answering this question, you must identify at least 2 course readings and how they have challenged your understanding of what’s good. You’ll also need to broadly consider how your understanding of ethics has changed over the course of the semester in light of these challenges. You should end your essay by talking about how you might define the good now that you’ve finished with this course.
Describe their significance with respect to ethics. I want you to think about things that have unsettled your understanding of right and wrong and not about. The real challenge of being good and just happens when we come up against things that make us feel uncomfortable and even upset. Your essay needs to thoughtfully engage readings that have made it difficult for you to continue to think about goodness in ways you had before.
Here are some readings we made at school.
Deontological ethics
It believes that morality of an action is predicted on the characteristic of the action itself, not because of the consequence. As a bigger picture and relevance with religious ethics deontological ethics rightness is moral obligation. Moreover, religiously inspired morality and way of salivation could be doing once duty.
Consequentialism is a theory that ethical decision should be based on the most desirable outcome. This is to say, look at the consequences and choose the action that has best consequences. Relevance for religious ethics which is, morally rightness due to good result. In addition, pleasant consequences increase chance of salivation.
Divine command theory
Theory that an act is morally right if God commands it. It states that God commands it because it is right. It’s believers like Macintyre thinks this theory is valid since God is just and cannot possibly not be. AS religious ethics which depends on ethical decision and moral reasoning, divine command theory also depends on ethical decision which is God as source of all principle along with moral reasoning dependent upon God.
Scriptural authority
It is the authority scripture has because it is a word of God. It refers to doctrines within old and New Testament in which the old one is the life of Jesus and the New Testament is the impact of Jesus. This theory might contradict with religious ethics since it was primarily unethical because the old testament which was more like prophecy. However, the New Testament is it applicable for religious ethics since it is ethical, and truly is a word of God.
Natural Law wrong if opposition to the nature. Right and wrong in terms of purpose social well being
Virtue ethics
Personal character determines what is good and what is right regardless of outside or external law. This is relevant for religious ethics because it takes it to another level. Instead of stating ethics as making decision about what is right it explain ethics as a state caught by training.
Sin Christian ethics
Sin for Christian ethics is going against God’s will or word. Christian ethics refer sin as a fallen state. When we fail to do the right thing which is following God’s word we will be morality and spiritually degraded. Redemption through Christ.
The prophet Islamic ethics in Islamic ethics regard the prophet as a messenger of God. It also regards Adam as the first prophet. Word is rebellious redemption through obedience
Anatman Buddhist ethics anatman refers to selfless. It states that there is nothing individual about someone that makes them unique. What we think of ourselves is delusional and temporary desire. Anatman is relevant for religious ethics because it stresses the idea that the context of religious ethics is not about supernatural being.
Existence precedes essence Sartre said existence precedes essence when explaining about Atheist ethics. He means human beings create their lives with freedom and place our own values, and that in return defines what we truly are.
Civil disobedience many civil right activists interpret it as a different way but for MLK civil disobedience is to break law in peaceful way to bring about change in law and policy. It is nonviolent refusal to obey government commands because it is unjust. which significant for religious ethics because it basis its action on moral right and employ passive resistance in order to bring wider attention to the injustice.
I first thought the good is only obeying God’s rule, respecting people and doing favorable things overall. While I thought the evil is not obeying God’s rule, going against my parents will and doing what the society had considered bad

*The instructor told us to Quote so here
On his book Beyond Good and Evil, Friedrich Nietzsche states “For so long as there have been people, there have been herds of people as well (racial groups, communities, tribes, folk, states, churches) and a very large number of people who obey compared to relatively few who command” (86). He believes we can be our own creators. He hated how Christians think meekness and inhibition are holly rather he believes morality that celebrate strength as a virtue as a good.