Jörg Friedrich wrote a book entitled Der Brand (The Fire) that presents a German view of life under the bombs during the war. Many have commented upon his book for the viewpoint it takes. Using the internet (try a “Google” search), research online reviews and comments on Friedrich’s book. What are the main arguments of the book? How do these views compare those presented in the assigned course readings?
Assigned Readings:
-Werrell, Kenneth P. “The Strategic Bombing of Germany in World War II: Costs and Accomplishments,” Journal of American History 1986 73(3): 702-713.
-Nicholas Stargardt, ‘Victims of Bombing and Retaliation,’ German Historical Institute London, Bulletin, 26, pp.57-70.
-Neil Gregor, ‘A Schicksalsgemeinschaft? Allied Bombing, Civilian Morale, and Social Dissolution in Nuremberg, 1942-1945,’ The Historical Journal, 43(4), pp.1051-1070.