Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word (460 words per scenario) collaborative troubleshooting operating systems paper by completing the instructions in Appendix
September 29, 2020
2 Growth
September 29, 2020

The final girl

The final girl

Order Description

Topic: The final girl has been a central figure within the horror genre since at least the 1970s. Discuss the significance and development of this figure, considering

in particular how she (or perhaps he) has been central to the semantic and syntactic shifts in the horror genre post-‘70s.
Essentially talk about the horror genre and it’s changes, in relation to the concept of the ‘final girl’. Must talk about Halloween (1978) and other key films like A

nightmare on Elm street and Friday the 13th etc. As well as this, other key ideas to talk about are the gender roles that are played in these films/in the genre.

Important to discuss the concept that the ‘final girl’ is a feminist etc.