the factors influencing the development of mental health services in your own area. Academic Essay

streaming solution Academic Essay
August 15, 2020
Describe in detail what you will discuss with the learners related to the following sub-topics
August 16, 2020

the factors influencing the development of mental health services in your own area. Academic Essay

Discuss the factors influencing the development of mental health services in your own area. You can focus on a geographical area or an area of service delivery (such as youth mental health, or inpatient units, or psychiatric disability rehabilitation and support). Consider the following in formulating your discussion:
? Particular historical, social and/or political characteristics that influenced mental health service delivery in your area of focus.
? National trends in mental health service delivery and how these can be seen in practice in your area of focus.
? How the factors influencing the development of mental health services have made a difference for people with mental illness in your area of focus, for their carers, for mental health workers and for the general community.
Ensure you refer to current Australian mental health policy and reports, reports from your area of focus and examples from your own practice and organisation.

References can be no older than 8 years
The area of focus in is in Melbourne Victoria
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Posted on May 14, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions