The paper presents synthesis of two essays; the school days of an Indian girl and College in New York with the major reading being the day the narrator set out to go to College in New York. The experiences and challenges faced by the authors in their new environment are very horrible however; they ultimately attain self-realization or overcome them.
However, the experiences turn out to be horrific upon the commencement of the journey to the new places for both narrators. The narrator in the first story is disturbed by the manner in which they are scrutinized along their way to Red Apple Country. Both the journeys are tiresome as they take a long time with the second narrator travelling for a whole night.
The new environments are very much different with the second narrator saying that New York was quiet, with no much hustle and bustle on the streets. The thought of the new environment and the whole experience in New York seems to excite the narrator. However, the Indian girl seems to be very perturbed with her new environment, and the experience made her worried. The narrator in the first story captures that even though there was cold from the ice, she was trembled by fear. The experience is quite same even in real life situations, whereby individuals are always scared of their new environments especially when they have little information about their new homes.
Additionally, the first encounters with friends in the foreign lands seem to be annoying in both cases. For instance, the narrator in the first story remembers being gripped by two firm hands of a woman who had paleface. The narrator finds herself in a confused situation being handled in a manner that frightened her. She could not imagine this handling and could not even relate to the way her mother treated her or even handled her. However, the second narrator The new experience by the narrator postulates the high expectations she would have of her environment. For the second narrator, the beauty she had longed for was right before her. The beauty of places! The beauty of people!And the beauty of a cool environment!
The way of living of people in both cases seems to be very different from the ways of living of both narrators back in their homes. The second narrator meets people who are modest in their attire, walk and laughs. She meets individuals with well shaven hair, simple dressing. She can only compare them to the richest store keepers who also in her view could not still match these individuals. Similarly, the second narrator finds herself in an environment with a new set of rules far from the normal rules she knows of. When attending classes, there are different set of bells with different meanings. She fights to adjust and learn, but experience seems to be the best teacher. She encounters individuals whose eating are bound and guided by formulas. Her experience with these set of new rules and ventures turns out to be distasteful to her leaving her only to cry. The language for the first narrator is not apprehensible, and onlyJudéwin could get a grasp of the English words. Just like the second narrator, the individuals in the case of Indian girl had well shaven hair something that the Indian girl found strange; especially looking at her background where only unskilled warriors had short hair given that their hair had been shingled by the enemy.
With time, both narrators seem to learn the way of living and quickly adjust to play by the rules of the game. Within the first year, the Indian girl had learnt some broken English and at least would communicate with the rest. She struggles to overcome the challenges and once in a while would get herself in the wrong side of the rules and would be punished. Interesting, the Indian girl would always find a way to abscond the punishments. On the other hand, the second narrator goes through some fussy experience in adjusting in her school, she struggles to work for Martin, who would pay her 50 cents an hour in order for her to live like the rest of her schoolmates and dress like them. She does her best to cope with the school schedule and rules and at one point fails to attend the Physical Exercise classes. The narrator finds the exercise very hard and luckily she is excused. In the end, the narrator adjusts to the way of living and school programs and would attend birthday parties, midnight spread and even dances. Experience in both cases seems to be the best teacher and with these experiences the individuals attain self-realization.