Discussion Feedback:Management to Address Special Needs of Culturally Diverse Employees
March 25, 2020
Survey concerning the topic: Property rights & their application
March 25, 2020

The European Energy Market

The European Energy Market

1- An abstract (not more than one page)
2- Basic company/industry information – 1 to 2 pages.
3- Answer question number 1 in 2 pages. the question is ” What do you think are the economic benifits of liberalizing the EU energy market? Who stands to gain the most from liberazation ?
4- Answer question number 4 in 2 pages. The question is “Why do you think progress toward liberalization of the EU enregy market has been fiarly slow so far ?.

for answering the questions. please usa PULLET POINTS and do not repeat yourself. Also Please use quotations. Quotations are very important in this case. I’d like you to use as many sources as possible.
I’d also like you to make a conclusion and recomendations. 1 page.
Again the page count is.
1 page or less for an abstract.
2 pages for Basic company/industry information
2 Pages for question 1
2 pages for question 4
1 page for recomendadtion and conclusion.
Please do not do an introduction since it’s the same as the abstract. I’ll be attaching power point files.
Sources of information:
the case itself
related chapters/topics from the slides
literature review (other textbooks, journals, newspapers, magazines, websites, etc.)