1. Of the emerging technologies discussed on pages 80-81 of the textbook, which ones do you see becoming mainstream in the near future? Why?
2.Critical Thinking Applied
Please select one of the six Critical Thinking questions of your choice, one from Chapter 1 (see page 31) and one from Chapter 2 (see page 89). Present well-developed answers to both questions, reflecting your understanding of the chapter content. Please use textbook references (cite page number) in crafting your response.
3.You and YouTube
Your Course Project will allow you to explore the Internet on your own, locating, viewing, and writing short reviews about videos dealing with “computer basics” topics of interest. In other words, areas that you would like to learn more about, beyond what is contained in your text. The Internet literally has millions of short videos (many of them on You Tube) about every computer topic imaginable. Some are very basic, some can be very complex, based on your level of expertise coming into this course. See one example of a “basic” video at the link below:
What Is RAM?
This is just a sample, it’s up to you to develop your own video library as your Course Project. What does that include you may be wondering?
Here’s how your Course Projects breaks down:
Lesson 1 – Find and view three helpful videos to learn more about subjects covered in Chapters 1 and 2 of your textbook. Then, write a short review (200-250 words) about what you learned and how it was presented. Submit your video links and assessments to your instructor so that you can get feedback to let you know you are on the right track in terms of your project.
Lesson 2 – Find and view three videos to learn more about subjects covered in Chapter 3. Review them the same way as described above and submit to your instructor for more feedback. Remember, you are in the process of building your complete project in segments, three videos and assessments at a time.
Lesson 3 – Find and view your last three helpful videos, using subjects you would like to more about based on the contents of Chapter 4. Review them the same way. In addition, now it is time compile all your videos and reviews from Lesson 1, 2, and 3 as a Word document that is well-organized and contains links to each video along with your review. You can arrange them in any way that you think will be helpful to another person. Think of your Course Project as a way to inform others about computer topics presented in this course.
Lesson 4 – You will submit your Project document (as described in Lesson 3) for peer review.
Lesson 5 – After incorporating comments from your peers, you will submit your final Video Library project to your instructor for final evaluation.
For Lessons 4 and 5, you will consolidate your individual Course Project assignments (from Lessons 1 – 3) into one MS Word file and save on your hard drive or other storage device. Then upload the file into the submission box. (If you prefer to upload your project as a pdf file, instructions for the PrimoPDF converter are on the main outline page under the Rubrics.)
Ethical Question
Your friend shows you some books he took from the bookstore without paying for them. When you question him about it, he says, “Sure I took them. But I’m no different from anybody else around here. That’s how we all manage to get through school on limited funds. I’ll be a better medical professional because of all the knowledge I gain from these books.”
1) Do you agree or disagree with his rationalization? Why or why not?
2) What do you say to your friend?
3) Is the example in this case any different from taking home medical supplies or equipment from the workplace? Why or why not?
4) What ethical principles discussed in Chapter 1 of your reading helped you with this answer?
Please develop a well-structured Main Post addressing all parts of this scenario.
5.Medical Ethics and Law
Read this scenario:
A patient who is a mail carrier experiences a serious dog bite that requires hospitalization and stitches. The patient’s boss calls the hospital to see how the patient is doing.
Write a brief summary (150-200 words) that explains what you are allowed to say to the patient’s boss while remaining compliant with patient privacy laws.
6.Annotated Webliography
Each course requires you to complete a Course Project. In most cases, that project usually means writing a paper that deals with a topic related to the course content. However, since this is only a 2 credit course, you will not be required to do a paper; but you will do a research project that you can add to your Portfolio at the end of the course. Your research efforts will benefit your future medical career and increase your knowledge related to medical law and ethics.
So what are you going to be doing for your course project? You will be building an Annotated Webliography. What’s that? It is a web page that brings together as many on-line resources as possible about a particular topic. Relax, you don’t have to build an actual web page and you don’t have to find as many resources as possible. You will simply be creating a Word document that includes the product of your research efforts.
Here’s an example of an Annotated Webliography for you to look at, check out this address: http://josts.net/tec3012/projects/pfowler/. Notice that the topic is Oceanography. Then, you see 15 individual web sites that contain interesting information about the topic. In addition, each item has a short description of the content of the web site, giving the potential reader an overview of what kinds of information they will find there. That’s how you will complete your project as well.
1. Please start your list by locating three web sources for the topics covered in Lesson 1, Chapters 1 and 2 that you find interesting. Make sure to list your web sites in APA format so that everyone will be able to find them. Do not use any information from Wikipedia, as that is not considered as an acceptable resource.
2. Create a short descriptive summary (that’s the annotated part) of what is contained on each web site you select to support your topic.
You will find a total of 9 web sites (three during each of the first three course lessons) that provide great information about your selected topic. You will build your list of web sites/descriptions as a Word document. You will add a short annotation for each selected web site (see the example above). The annotation should describe the main content features, unique items, etc. You might also include comments such as “contains current information” or “great color animation”. By the end of the course, you’ll have an informative Annotated Webliography to use in other courses and at work.
The individual Course Project Assignments will all contribute to your final product so there is no wasted effort! In this first lesson, you have two goals: 1) identify the topics you will be using for your webliography and 2) finding the first 3 web resources and creating the short annotated descriptions as to their content and quality.