The effect of First Time Line Managers leadership styles on the motivation of team members in an education setting

Economics for Management
August 3, 2020
Ethic article review
August 3, 2020

The effect of First Time Line Managers leadership styles on the motivation of team members in an education setting

understanding and skills consistent with the four overarching learning outcomes of the MA
Ed programme:
1. Evaluating the appropriateness of a range of theories for conducting an appropriate and ethical small-scale enquiry into an aspect of their educational professional practice;
2.Undertaking a critical review of academically relevant and valid literature specifically related to an aspect of their educational professional practice;
3.Applying critically analytical research techniques appropriate for collecting and interpreting data within the context of an enquiry into an aspect of their educational professional practice;
4. Analysis of the outcomes of their research into an aspect of their educational professional practice, in order to synthesise recommendations for further practice and research