The Devil Kno
May 18, 2020
Neil Postman, Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology.
May 18, 2020

The dream act

The dream act



Format: You are expected to write a 8 page double-spaced, paper with 1.25 margins, 12pt Times New Roman Font


Bibliography: Collect 7 quality news or cultural media sources and 3 academic


Keys to Success:

Define key terms; define them in your own words.

Focus your answer on what is critical. Get to the Point.

graded on clarity, your connection of the materials to theory, and proof reading.

Works Cited is Required MLA style


Themes for Hegemony €“ Structure and Agency, Coercion and Consent, Resistance, Identity


Themes for Biopolitics €“ How do we turn knowledge into power? What actions do people take to shape knowledge in public arenas? (The spectacle), How do we produce knowledge about a situation or People? (Issues of representation, stigma) Governmentality €“ How do we turn people into subjects of power? What organizations have the authority to do this?