The Digital Divide in Developing Countries Academic Essay

Independent Research Academic Essay
August 20, 2020
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August 20, 2020

The Digital Divide in Developing Countries Academic Essay

Discuss the digital divide in developing countries. Include an introduction and thesis statement (provided in attachment)

Be sure to discuss the following topics:

a) 21st century trends in internet use and how technology is integrated citizen’s social and economic lives

b) Factors that contribute to the digital divide and the comparison of social, economic, political, and global attributes of the U.S. and developing countries

c) Positive and negative impacts surrounding the integration of increased technology usage into developing countries, and the affect it will have on ethics management

d) Laws, issues, and controversies that directly affect each developing nation’s ability to decrease the gap in the digital divide

e) Conclusion
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Posted on May 23, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions