The différences between Luxury and non luxury communication taking into account the luxury pyramid of course

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August 17, 2020
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August 18, 2020

The différences between Luxury and non luxury communication taking into account the luxury pyramid of course

Here are the exam subjects that should be well researched in order to provide with top-quality answers.

1) The différences between Luxury and non luxury communication taking into account the luxury pyramid of course.

2) The relevance of the IMC / 360 ° approach luxury communications. The Paid, Owned, Earned and Shared terminology should be used when talking about Omnichannel comunication

3) Luxury brands and the digital communication trends and opportunities 


4) Evaluating advertising effectiveness and a simple Media Planning case

5) Product Placement and Branded Content in th luxury universe

6) The importance of Art, Sponsorhip and Charity for luxury brands and how they are linked.

7) Creativity and language in the international context

8) The relevance of Geocommunication for top luxury brands

8 full answers (with examples),each Q with a full page answer.(no soppy paste) insist personal opinions always. the answers to search for them through the attached given files.
