The Death and Life of Great American Cities by Jane Jacobs.

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July 23, 2020

The Death and Life of Great American Cities by Jane Jacobs.

The Death and Life of Great American Cities by Jane Jacobsyou need to buy the book.MLA styleIn this assignment you are tasked with two objectives.First, you are to read and summarize the key points and main arguments presented in the book The Death and Life of Great American Cities by Jane Jacobs.Then you are to critically analyze the arguments and discuss the validity of Jacobs criticism of urban planning at the time it was written (1961) and how relevant her arguments are today, given any changes that may have taken place in cities and in the urban planning profession since the books publication.Completing the Essay:After you have completed reading the book, craft an essay that addresses the following:Summarize the key points and main arguments made by Jacobs in each of the four parts of her book. Clearly demonstrate that you read the entire book and have a solid grasp of the content by highlighting specific examples used by the author to illustrate her key points.* (Roughly 75% of your essay)Critique Jacobs arguments. Discuss how valid her criticisms of urban planning and US cities were in 1961 and how relevant her arguments are today. Clearly justify your critique. (Roughly 25% of your essay)Any direct quotes from the Jacobs book must be cited properly with page numbers using a consistent citation style throughout.The following questions will be used to grade the critical essay assignment on Jane Jacobs book: