the culture and characteristics of an organization.

Regarding library strategic planning
October 13, 2020
The Discussion Board (DB) is part of the core of online learning. Classroom discussion in an online environment requires
October 13, 2020

the culture and characteristics of an organization.

Prepare a 1,400 to 1,750-word paper that describes the culture and characteristics of an organization. Be sure to cite at least two peer-reviewed references in addition to the text and be sure to address the following questions in your paper: a. What is the definition of common characteristics of organizations? b. How does your selected organization exhibit each of the common characteristics listed below? 1) System (e.g., individual units, open, closed) 2) Rules/norms (e.g., written, unwritten, formal, informal) 3) Hierarchy (e.g., chain of command, supervisor, administrator, manager) 4) Communication networks (e.g., formal, informal) 5) Organizational orientation (e.g., achievement, dogmatism, authoritarianism) 6) Leadership approach(es) (e.g., social, task, balanced) 7) Management communication/decision-making (e.g., tell, sell, consult, join) c. Which common characteristics (choose at least 4) from those listed above that most shape the communication within the organization? What specific communication tools/methods can be used for the four selected characteristics?