The creative impulse: an introduction to the arts by Dennis Sporre

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The creative impulse: an introduction to the arts by Dennis Sporre

The creative impulse: an introduction to the arts by Dennis Sporre
Following the course evaluation prompts below, write a 750-word (minimum) reflection paper on what we have studied in this class. Discuss the following three areas in the context of the course content and theme. Be sure to cite and reference specific examples from a minimum of five (5) different content matter sources (chapters, units, etc.) covered in this class from chapter 1 to chapter 8
Be sure to use the minimum number of references so as not to lose points.
• Describe how the course has affected your world view of the term “culture.”
• Draw contrasts between two different cultures discussed in the course.
• Connect what you have learned in this course to previous learning and life experiences.
The book “The creative impulse: an introduction to the arts by Dennis Sporre” is used for the class.