The costs and benefits of a wandering mind Academic Essay

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The costs and benefits of a wandering mind Academic Essay

An essay that critically reviews the current research literature on the costs and benefits of mind wandering and how it affects learning in higher education.
1. Introduction
The introductory paragraph should broadly outline the topic that will be discussed, explain why it is an important issue, and provide some idea of what you will discuss and/or argue in the essay.
2. Body
The body of the essay should define key concepts, as well as describe and evaluate the research literature that is relevant to the topic. This is similar to what you did in Assignment 1, however this time you will need to work the research literature into a story or narrative that helps you to present your perspective on the topic in a logical and coherent manner. Some questions to help guide you:
? What is mind wandering? How does it relate to consciousness? How is it measured?
? What causes people’s mind to wander and what do they think about?
? Are some people more prone to mind wandering than others?
? What are the psychological and cognitive costs and benefits of mind wandering?
? How do these psychological and cognitive costs and benefits affect learning at university?
3. Conclusion
The concluding paragraph is an integrated summary of your major points and a final statement of your understanding of what the research literature has to say on this topic. You should not introduce new material in the conclusion.

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Posted on May 4, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions