The Case of Biogenetic Engineering: What are the potential Environmental Implications?

Bolton Health Service Secure Network Design
May 25, 2020
Myers-Briggs Report
May 25, 2020

The Case of Biogenetic Engineering: What are the potential Environmental Implications?

The Case of Biogenetic Engineering: What are the potential Environmental Implications?

It must be referenced substantially and appropriately (approximately 8 or more references for a research essay) containing non-Web page references.

Topic: The Case of Biogenetic Engineering: What are the potential Environmental Implications?
Mean topic: The potential Environmental Implications of GM food.

Thesis: As the population increase, human needs more food as never before. Therefore, rise of the food production is necessary to do so. Base on the technology development, genetically modified food has become one of our friends for everyday life. This essay will point out the potential environmental implications through health impacts, environmental impacts and social impacts.

First argument: Health Impacts.
1). Labeling
1. European GM food labeling
2. North American GM food labeling
2). Potential health impact
1. Irritability
2. Nutrition balance
Second argument: Environmental Impacts
1). Natural Environmental effect.
1. The rise of Super weed
2. Effect other living beings
2). Sustainable development
1. Mass production
2. Law of conservation of mass
Third argument: Social impacts.
1). Monsanto
1. Seed produce and selling
2. Imparity Clause
2). Unstabilizing Society
1. Unknown impact.
2. Everyday threatens.

Conclusion: GM food has so many potential negative impacts due to healthily, environmental and socially. As living beings, we cannot live without consume food; therefore, solving food problematic should be the top issue for us.