Food Inc
October 13, 2020
Evaluate the effect of the American Constitution
October 14, 2020

The Brother In Vietnam

The Brother In Vietnam
PROMPT: In a well-organized analytical essay, make an argument about the function of the character "Brother" in Maxine Hong Kingston’s "Brother in Vietnam." What does the character reveal in terms of the contradictions that shaped Chinese-American experiences during the historical period when the story is set? Include in your analysis a claim about the function of the narrator.

EACH PARAGRAPH in the essay should follow the format of AXES
Which is:

The assertion (or topic sentence) states the specific arguable point you will make in the paragraph.
Moreover, the assertion connects the paragraph to your thesis (claim).
Generally, assertions should go at the beginning of the paragraph (the first sentence, or if there’s a transition sentence the second).
Assertions must be arguable the point that YOU are making about something.

The examples are the evidence that supports (or "proves") your assertion.
These could be a direct quote from the text, a detailed description of a visual object, data, etc.
Examples should be introduced and briefly ******CONTEXTUALIZED****** VERY IMPORTANT (WW2 ERA, JAPANESE INTERNMENT)

Examples NEVER speak for themselves: you must provide explanations, which clarify how and why the evidence relates to your assertion and subsequently your central claim.
For instance, in a textual analysis, an explanation of a quote pulls out particular
words, images, references, etc., from the example and shows how these
support the assertion.
Explanation of examples and data outline the reasoning that logically links the evidence to the assertion.

-If you simply state, support and explain the assertions, your reader may respond with indifference unless you also tell them why they should care by showing the significance.
Statements of significance anticipate and answer the question "So What?" In other words, why is the point made in the paragraph important in light of your thesis?
Providing significance is crucial to making an argument that says something, has a purpose, or is interesting