The Benefits and Risks of Nuclear Energy

Leadership experience
July 29, 2020
Article summary
July 29, 2020

The Benefits and Risks of Nuclear Energy

Make sure not to use Wikipedia as a source. It is not a reliable source as anyone can post anything to it. Also, avoid general websites such as,,, or etc. Use authoritative sources on the topic of your paper, mainly sources from Coastline library, from government websites, from colleges, or from specialized websites.
Helpful Hints to Writing the Thesis Statement1. Too LongDo not write a complete introduction instead of the thesis statement.The thesis statement should be, ideally, ONE SENTENCE. You may, if it is absolutely necessary, add another sentence. But to keep it safe, focus on one sentence only.2. Question FormDo not write a question for the thesis statement. It is a statement, not a question. You may want to think of the answer to the question and write it as the thesis statement.3. Absolute JudgmentExamples: . was the greatest president of the United States.Steven Spielberg is the greatest and most famous director/producer. is the best place to visit.. was a great. and he/she inspired many people.The benefits of alternative energy span the human beings past, present, and future, and shapes human civilization.Such statements cannot be discussed and justified within the scope of a 1,000 word paper. Keep the thesis statement simple.4. Title FormThe thesis statement should be a sentence, not a title. It should be a complete sentence with subject+verb5. AnnouncementAvoid announcing what you or the paper will do:This paper will discuss the causes and effects of global warming and then will prove that global warming can be reversedIn this paper, I am going to discuss the causes and effects of global warming and the ways to stop it X.Focus the thesis statement on what the essay will discuss.