The Atlantic Ocean passive margin Academic Essay

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The Atlantic Ocean passive margin Academic Essay

1. What are the different layers in the ocean? How do these layers help control climate?

2. What are turbidities? How do they form? What do these turbidities tell us about the local environment?

3. How did the oceans originate? What evidence do we have for this origin?

4. What are the submarine provinces for the Atlantic Ocean passive margin? How do each of these provinces originate?

5. What causes tides? Why are some tides higher than others? What is the frequency of tides at any location?

6. What are longshore currents? How do they modify a beach environment? How would you mitigate beach erosion in a longshore environment?

7. What are greenhouse gases? How do they form? How do they retain heat?

8. What is the origin of Earth’s atmosphere? When did it form? What was the composition of the early atmosphere? How did that change through time?

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Posted on May 27, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions