The assessment for this module consists of two parts.
When delivering your learning event the name and SID number of every group member must be confirmed at the beginning .
Any accompanying documentation or attachments (such as computer discs) must be marked with your SID number(s) and securely attached to a coversheet before submission as a hard copy in the i-centre
Assessment 1 – Task
In order to meet the requirements for a skills based assignment, it is proposed that students will be asked to work in small groups to discuss, design and deliver a 45 minute ‘event’ for the remainder of the group which should be interactive and stimulating as well as informative. The workshop should involve each of the group members and appropriate handout material should be made available to the rest of the group.
Workshop subjects can be negotiated, but the following topics are proposed:
• Techniques in coaching & mentoring
• Equal Opportunity
• Active Listening
• Presentation skills
• Managing conflict
The skills assignment element is ‘fine graded’ (& accounts for 25% of the total mark)
Assessment Criteria and Marking Standards
Mark Learning Outcome
1. The coherence and logic of the overall workshop plan 1,2,3,4
2. The effectiveness of delivery “
3. The extent to which transfer of learning has been achieved “
4. “
Part 2 – Written assignment
Part Type of assessment Word or time limit Submission method Submission dates
Written report 2200 words Turnitin UK Grade Mark
See module guide
Using theories, concepts and research assess the environment of a company of your choice. Evaluate whether or not the L and D activities in the organisation are strategically integrated