the artist attempts to convey_ the conflicting betrayal values in order to sell art_

A study to compare between DAX and CT scan to diagnose osteoporosis in elderly women Academic Essay
August 22, 2020
Operations Design & Management: Audit Report
August 22, 2020

the artist attempts to convey_ the conflicting betrayal values in order to sell art_

the artist attempts to convey_ the conflicting betrayal values in order to sell art_

(the message, meaning, or implications)

by___using symbolism and characters to portray the artist’s inner struggle_______.

Grading Criteria:

A concise and engaging introduction that gives background and context to the artist and artwork.
Engages with the theme of “Art and Love.”
A strong analysis of an appropriate primary source that leads to possible implications or a thesis statement.
A demonstration of complex thought and thoughtful writing.