Advertising Review
August 8, 2020
Declaration of Independence
August 8, 2020

The Art Series Hotel Group

conduct some research on your organisation and together with the theories that you learn in this subject it is expected that you will address the following assessment criteria:Section 1:
Identify a market who are the organisations customers and why has the organisation chosen them?
Segment the audience break these customers down into smaller groups who have common needs, wants or characteristics. What type of segmentation do you think the organisation has used? Why are you using this type of segmentation? How does this segmentation relate to your target market?
Select a target market strategy choose one type of customer group and suggest a few strategies (product/price/place or promotion) that may appeal to this type of customer. Which market coverage strategies are they utilising and why?
Create a positioning statement what is the companies positioning statement? Who are their competitors? Why have they chosen this statement? What does it say to their customers? How does it differentiate them from their competitors?Section 2:
Analyse the organisations marketing mix strategy including the 4Ps
Product strategies what strategies has the organisation utilised when devising the product/service? Where is the product in its life cycle? How do the product features and attributes relate to the target market? What levels of service are they offering and why?
Pricing strategies why is your organisation charging their customers a particular price? What pricing strategies are they using? Why are they using this pricing strategy? How does it relate to their target market? What organisational objectives do their pricing strategies support?
Place strategies What are their distribution strategies? Who or what companies do they utilise to assist in their product/service distribution?
Promotional strategies Which of the 5 promotional tools do they use? Why do they use these tools? How do these tools relate to the target market and its positioning in the market place?