Topic: The Abolition of Capital Punishment
Preferred language style: English (U.K.)
I have chosen “The Abolition of Capital Punishment in New Zealand” as my project topic, and I have also chosen the punishment theories as my theorical framework. It is about the tensions between two different relating groups, the social debates around the issue; The process of change. Choose one aspect and expand upon that. Link the theory together.
Choose a topic that will allow you to critically assess the significant links/connections of change in particular human service systems. This requires you to think critically about the context and the dynamics of change for human services and the implications at individual, social service agency/organisational, local/global community and structural/institutional levels. It is important to critique underpinning values and beliefs that inform/apply human rights and processes of change across these different levels of human service systems.
The project should include a critical discussion of how your choice of theoretical and methodological approaches may influence your analysis. In this setting up discussion, you need to reflect on why your research topic is important ? what has informed your topic focus/decisions ? reflecting on how you have drawn upon concepts of rights, diversities, identities, and /or citizenship.
The Project will require you to undertake a comprehensive literature review and data gathering from document sources. Workshops and tutorials will provide the opportunity for you to develop your research, writing and analysis skills.