Students, this is your research paper. It is 3000 words or 10 pages. You will use 5 book sources and 5 journal articles in your bibliography. Use proper citation within the paper
your name, date, and course number on top right of first page.
* number all pages: Last name / page number.
* footnote (not endnote) all quoted material. Footnoting of source material is a critical component of your paper. Failure to footnote–i.e., giving due credit to other people’s work–is considered plagiarism. See the section on plagiarism for penalties.
* a Bibliography is required for all major (1800 words or more) papers. Required papers not having a bibliography will face significant loss of points; optional papers that do not have a required bibliography will not be accepted.
* WORD COUNT: (3000 Words) the actual body of the paper will determine the word count. Your name, class info, titles or headings, date, page numbers are not counted. Footnotes and bibliographies are also not counted – these have their own requirements.
* significant points may be deducted if the above formatting requirements are not followed!
* There are to be 5 books and 5 journal articles. To access the journal articles, you can use the link, “How To Access The Catalog and Databases” in the course.
Footnoting and Bibliographies
Perhaps one of the most difficult things to master when writing research papers is footnoting and creating a bibliography. Both are necessary components for any major paper you will write during your academic career, whether in History or any other subject.
The good news is that it really isn’t all that difficult, once you know what you are doing. Even better, there are a number of websites available to help you.
Knowing when to footnote something is actually quite simple: whenever you are using or referring to somebody else’s work in your own! Failing to give someone else credit for their work–or claiming it as your own is plagiarism, which is to say: cheating. Don’t do it. It is always found out, often with embarrassing consequences.
Yet in History, as with virtually every other subject, you will often have to refer to other people’s work in order to complete your own. This is fine. In fact, judicious use of others’ authoritative work adds to your work’s credibility. The only requirement is to give credit where credit is due.
So, you have to footnote. How do you do it? First, there is a specific format to follow to footnote correctly. Once you know that, it’s only a matter of adding it to your paper. Using a word processor such as MS Word makes it relatively easy.
While there are several possible styles to footnoting, the Turabian method is generally used for History papers. This is the format I expect you to use for your papers in this class. There are many websites where you can get information on the Turabian method. I have listed three below:
(1) The Long Island University web page on Truabian is simple, straightforward, colorful, and easy to use. The component parts of a footnote are color coded so you can see the difference in footnoting between books, articles, etc. You can access it through this link: Long Island University Workshop
(2) The University of Southern Mississippi website offers more detail on Turabian-style footnoting. This site provides more in-depth examples of footnotes, including how to footnote web pages, online media, databases, and so on. You can access it through this link: USM Turabian Guidelines
(3) The University of Wisconsin website offers everything you ever wanted to know about footnoting. You can access it through this link: U. Wisc. Turabian Handbook
Inserting a Footnote in your paper
For purposes of illustration, this example covers how you would insert a footnote in a document using Microsoft Word. Wordperfect and other advanced word processing software also include this feature, and while the actual steps involved are different, the end result should be the same.
1. To insert a footnote in Word, the first step is to place your cursor at the place in the document where you want the numeric reference (that’s the little number that tells you to look for a footnote). This will usually be at the end of a sentence, following the period.
2. Next, using your mouse, click on ‘Insert’in the tool bar at the top of your screen. A drop-down box will open with all of the options for ‘Insert’.
3. Click on the ‘Footnote’ option in the ‘Insert’ drop-down box. This will open the ‘Footnote and Endnote’ pop-up window. Select ‘Footnote’, not ‘Endnote’ – choosing endnote puts all of your footnotes at the end of the paper instead of at the bottom of the page.
Also note that your cursor is now in the bottom half of your screen, to the right of the corresponding footnote number. This is where you will enter the footnote. It could be a comment or a Turabian-style reference to work you are using in this paper.
5. To continue, you can close the bottom half of your screen, OR you can simply return to where you were working in the top half and continue.
…and that’s all there is to it!
The second thing you must have for any research paper is a Bibliography, also known as a ‘Works Cited’ page. This is a summary of all the materials by author that you referred to in your paper, and follows the end of your paper.
As you will see, the format of the entries in a Bibliography are nearly identical to the format of footnotes. In addition to links on the three websites listed above, I have listed two other websites that can specifically help you with creating a bibliography:
(1) The Encarta website gives a geneal overview of what you’ll need. It’s simple and straightforward, and covers most of the sources you’re likely to use for papers in this class. You can access it through this link: Encarta Bibliography Info
(2) The Concordia website is more comprehensive and shows you an example of entries in a Bibliography. It is a .pdf file, so you will need an Adobe Acrobat reader to access it. If you don’t have one installed, you will probably get a pop-up window along with a link which will allow you to download and install the software. It is free and something you will use quite often in other research. The link to Concordia is: Concordia Writing