TESL Platform Statement and Lesson Sequence .
The platform statement is clear, coherent and well researched, making reference to TESL pedagogies as presented in the unit.
Demonstration of understanding of key issues in EAL/D instruction. Perceptiveness and appropriateness of comments (15%) HD
15 – 13 DI
11 C
9.5 P
7.5 N
– Key issues in EAL/D instruction are explicitly stated
– The platform statement explicitly makes use of required and recommended readings and incorporating TESL practices.
– ESL pedagogies, as presented in the unit, display explicit connection to understandings around EAL/D teaching and learning.
– Relevant and appropriate interpretation of references used References used to support points. Comments:
Lessons reflect the TESL pedagogies and principles identified in the platform statement. (25%) HD
21.25 – 25 DI
18.75 – 21.24 C
16.25 – 18.74 P
12.5 – 16.24 N
– The focus of the lesson sequence is justified
– Lessons are designed for a mainstream classroom, sequenced, and each lesson builds upon the outcomes of the previous lesson
– Assessment strategies are consistent with the TESL pedagogy
– The learners’ prior knowledge and/or experiences are valued and incorporated into the learning, i.e. the lessons actively acknowledge or use the cultural and linguistic knowledge that EAL/D learners already possess
– The lessons teach the new concepts in context, and in meaningful and purposeful ways
– The lessons thoughtfully/effectively integrate curriculum areas, focusing on the language specific to the discipline.
– Originality, creativity, and depth of understanding in the creation of a lesson sequence to meet an EAL/D learner’s needs
Coherence including appropriate paragraph and sentence structure, spelling, grammar, punctuation and presentation (1.5 spaced using 12 point font). Evidence of background reading and research using at least eight literature resources with appropriate referencing including the accurate interpretation of resources. (5%) HD
5 DI
4 C
3.5 P
2.5 N
– Well-structured and logical sequence of information.
– Paragraphs and sections clearly linked.
– Written in an appropriate academic style.
– Demonstrates third year academic level writing.
– Academic tone and structure.
– Spelling (SAE) and grammar are correct.
– Follows all assessment instructions.
– Reference embedded and interpreted correctly.
– Correct referencing style (APA) and consistent. Comments:
TESL Pedagogical Statement
You are required to develop a platform statement of your TESL pedagogical beliefs, which should be referenced to texts in the field (500 words). You are expected to state your beliefs about how EAL/D is best taught and learned and how you will incorporate these beliefs into your teaching. Your platform statement should be referenced to relevant texts in the field, including recommended readings.
Description of the teaching sequence
You are required to describe the context of the teaching sequence and why the English focus area was chosen to teach within your chosen curriculum area (300 words).
The curriculum area in which the teaching sequence is situated:
Choose a curriculum area from the list below, or plan for an integrated unit incorporating any of the curriculum areas listed:
• History
• Geography
• Maths
• Science
• Physical Education and Health
• The Arts
Year Level:
Which year level is this teaching sequence aimed at?
Content descriptors the sequence is working towards:
The 3 content descriptors that this teaching sequence is working towards. Include the main English content descriptor and relevant content descriptors from your chosen curriculum area.
Overview of the teaching programme in which the sequence lies
Plan out your lessons based on which stage of the curriculum cycle each lesson fits (building the field, modelling and deconstructing, joint construction or individual construction).
Bold the lessons you are describing in detail.
Lesson number Stage in the curriculum cycle Lesson title
Lesson sequence
Building the field
Language Outcomes:
Indicator of achievement:
Planned activity:
Deconstructing and modelling
Language Outcomes:
Indicator of achievement:
Planned activity:
Joint construction
Language Outcomes:
Indicator of achievement:
Planned activity:
Individual construction
Language Outcomes:
Indicator of achievement:
Planned activity:
(if applicable)