Terry v. Ohio (1968) Academic Essay

multicultural citizenship
August 28, 2020
Topic: Digital Story
August 28, 2020

Terry v. Ohio (1968) Academic Essay

Research the case known as Terry v. Ohio (1968). Read the majority opinion, which you can find here


Briefly explain the circumstances of the case. What happened in this case?
Identify the controversy involved in the case. What was the issue the Supreme Court needed to resolve?
Identify which amendment(s) were involved in this case and explain. (In other words, don’t just say, “This was a Fourth Amendment case” or “This was a Fifth Amendment case.” Explain why you believe that to be true.
Describe the outcome of the case and summarize the Supreme Court’s reasoning for its decision.

Briefly describe how a sixteen-year-old juvenile who was stopped, frisked, and arrested would be handled by the police and court as his or her case is processed. Pay particular attention to the “language” of the system.

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Posted on May 26, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions