Healthcare Costs
June 10, 2020
. Watch the documentary “Wal-Mart: The High Price of Low Price”
June 10, 2020

Term project

Term project

The  main goal of this term project  is  to  research and write about a topic that falls within the
boundaries of post-1850 history of technology and engineering (your topic should not be one from the
history of ?pure? science (physics, chemistry) or medicine).
Your research project should  demonstrate your ability to critically analyze a significant
historical event or period. In other words, your project must present an original and personal argument
in favour of a specific thesis and should  demonstrate that you can:
? Formulate important historical, ethical, sociological,  or philosophical questions about
technology or engineering,
? interpret documents and other forms of evidence in support of specific claims,
? clearly articulate arguments and objections,
? engage in an on-going process of writing and revision to improve the style, grammar,
punctuation, structure, etc. of a text,
? properly cite and reference all sources,

Assignment: Present your thesis, evidence, and argument as a long essay (min. 1,750 words ~7 pages).

? The text is double spaced. Usual font and size are used (e.g. Times New Roman, 12 pts).