Term paper Topic: Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

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August 2, 2020
Consider the following scenario_Excel Template
August 2, 2020

Term paper Topic: Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

This policy paper needs to contain 5 major parts and Appendix Pages, References Page . Each parts has some requirements that need to be followed. Thank you for helping 1)Introduction introduce your projects main objective
* Include the general plan of the document2)History of the Act why was the law necessary
* Public policy prescription
** Market failure or Government Failure3)Trace its implementation
(trace the laws implementation from the law in the books to the departments of government responsible for its implementation to where we find the law in US Code.)
* Act, Code, Agency, etc.
http://uscode.house.gov/4)Impact on business and society
* Demonstrate your knowledge from the course content theories, models, principles, etc.5)Policy Analysis
* Did it work?
* What are its strengths and weaknesses?
* Recommendations for future policy makers