Team Program Design and Timeline and Program Evaluation

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Team Program Design and Timeline and Program Evaluation

Question details:

BSHS 452 Week 3 Team Program Design and Timeline and Program Evaluation

Resources: Proposal content instructions on your student Web site, Worksheet 5.1A. The Worksheet 6.1A, (Evaluation Planning Questionnaire 6.1A is an optional tool for usage in the Team Forum.)

Write Program Design section in one to two pages. (Narrative form).

Compile your team’s thoughts regarding evaluation components based on the evaluation planning questionnaire 6.1A Worksheet.

Write Evaluation Criteria Narrative in a one to two pages (Narrative form).

Write no more than one page timeline (shown as a Timeline Flowchart) component of your learning team proposal using Worksheet 5.1A information as the guide.

This assignment should be no more than 5 pages. Each of the three sections should start on their own page.

Include a separate and additional APA Title Page with the names of all your learning team members & a APA References Page.