Teamwork is ubiquitous in the work world today. Teams work together both face-to-face and around the world as technology provides more and more for distance collaboration. The intricacies of forming effective working teams can be daunting because the stakes are often very high. Much time, effo resources can be wasted if a team is not cohesive, communicative, motivated, accountable, and goal-oriented. When the project to be tackled is impo costly, as is often the case in health care, failure can be devastating to an organization, both in terms of outcomes and morale. Health care administrators work in an environment that is particularly impacted by interprofessional efforts. Building an effective work team requires a insight, attention, and skill. For this Assignment, examine the following scenario and focus on effectively selecting team members, concepts of team m and principles of team dynamics. Scenario: You are the newly appointed chief operating officer for Thomason Health System (THS), a large health care delivery system that will be acq implementing a new information technology system: “Electronic Medical Records” (EMRs). The organization has many and differing opinions about EM CEO and the board of directors want you to establish an onboarding team that will help facilitate the organization-wide adoption of this new technolog responsibility is to identify five team members from a short list of candidates and facilitate the launch of an effective team through conflict resolution an building. This team will present a unified message and facilitate cultural change within the greater organization.
Select techniques that will be used by the COO and within the team to identify, negotiate, and resolve conflicts. Describe an engagement plan to keep the onboarding team motivated and cohesive.