Learning which is defined as ways by which individuals acquire knowledge, falls into four main categories which include Visual, Aural, Read and Write and Kinesthetic. However, the majority find themselves with a mix of learning styles and others find themselves with one predominant style. For instance, following an online survey that was conducted on the internet, 60% of the population, including the author fitted into the group referred to as a Multimodal learning strategy.Multimoder means that the individual has multiple modes that they use in their learning experience. They may have a preference of not less than two learning strategies, like visual and aural (VA), Read and Write and Kinesthetic (RK). Also the preference may go up to three preferences like Visual, Aural and Kinesthetic (VAK) and in sometimes exhibit even results in all the four styles.
Multimodal learning style, which is the authors’ preferred style of learning is the best learning style as it offers flexibility and security in the learning experiences and improves understanding in a given topic. These individuals feel insecure with only one predominant style of learning.According to Fleming (n.d.) Multimodals are classified in two groups; the context specific and whole-sense approach. In context specific approach, the learner chooses the mode that best fits the situation at hand. If the situation requires physical engagement, they switch to kinesthetic and if the situation calls for analysis of written material, they switch to read and write mode. This offers them flexibility in all the aspects.
Fleming goes on to describe the other type of multimodal which is the whole-sense approach. Here, the learners use two, three or even four modes in the learning process. They ensure that each mode compliment the other. For example, a learner who switches to read and write to research on published information, then switches to aural while engaging in discussions with their teachers and colleagues, and may involve themselves kinesthetically to get first hand information and visually in making observations using diagrams and pictures.They are disadvantaged in that, they usually take long to decide on which mode to switch to, which may result in conflicts while working with those who are quick in decision making.
The kinesthetic learning styleinvolves the use of all the senses and physical engagement in learning.It can be considered as the richest of the learning style, as the learner takes advantage of all the senses of sight, smell, hearing and touching. According to vark-learn website, Kinesthetic are favored by activities such as laboratory experiments, field trips, trial and error, collecting of things in the field, photographs and hands on activities like computing. These students are the best in drawing and design, mechanics, engineering and sports (Lehigh, n.d.). They usually benefit a lot from group discussions and have a hard time recalling what was said and seen. A Multimoder who has this style as one of his or her style, can usually switch to it to benefit fully when the learning situation gets physically involving.
For visual and aural learning styles, they only utilize sight and hearing senses respectively in their learning experiences. The former benefits a lot from presentations, charts, diagrams, pictures, posters and highlighted texts. The latter benefit from attending classes and listening keenly, discussions, tape recording and recalling jokes that were made during the learning process. Unlike kinesthetic learner who benefit from music playing in the background while studying, aural prefer quiet places to recall various ideas. For read and write learners, they prefer reading as the best means to understanding. They are the great beneficiaries of textbooks, lecture notes, glossaries, manuals, definitions and dictionaries. They are learners who make best use of libraries where they get to re-read and re-write what they had learnt earlier and condense written notes to small ones. Failure to do this, according to Wilfrid Laurier University (2008), will lead to not fully understanding of concepts.
The knowledge about different learning and teaching styles is imperative in learning institutions for both students and teachers. For students, it can be used as a guide in choosing career that best fit their preferences. For Multimodal students will enable them adjust to the best mode as the learning situation changes. Like in nursing field, it requires and therefore favors multimodal students as it demand read and write preferences to understand well medical concepts, visual and aural to go through lecture presentations and listens attentively in class, and finally kinesthetic will be of great aide once in the field and handling patients one on one (Pashler et.al, 2008). For teachers, this knowledge will be of great importance in the preparation of teaching materials and other teaching aides, especially when preparing presentations and determining whether to include trips and practical session in their class.
VARK. A guide to learning styles. Retrieved 7th May 2014 from http://www.vark-learn.com/english/index.asp.