Taxi to the Dark Side (Alex Gibney, 2007)Order DescriptionThe purpose of this assignment is to clarify your research topic, and create a tentative plan about how you are going to support your developing claim. At this point,I do not expect you to have all the answers about your topic, nor do I expect you to have a nuanced thesis from which to proceed. Instead, I am looking for a tentativefocused claim, and/or a set of questions related to your particular documentary film and the topics it raises. You should also be developing a sense of the appropriatetypes of evidence to support your inquiry. The goal is to explore your topic early, so that you can begin to research from a strong set of questions and claims.Assignment: In a 1-2 page paper, state your tentative topic, guiding questions for your research, and discuss what types of evidence you see as central to developingand discussing your paper. Make sure you discuss why these types of evidence are central to your project, and how you will connect them to your claims. You can alsotake some time to discuss why the topic of interest to you.English 1304 / Spring 2015PREPARATION FOR FINAL PAPER: Research Proposal/Evidence StatementAfter you have selected and viewed your documentary, it is time to formulate questions leading to a final analytic paper.The purpose of this assignment is to clarify your research topic, and create a tentative plan about how you are going to support your developing claim. At this point,I do not expect you to have all the answers about your topic, nor do I expect you to have a nuanced thesis from which to proceed. Instead, I am looking for a tentativefocused claim, and/or a set of questions related to your particular documentary film and the topics it raises. You should also be developing a sense of the appropriatetypes of evidence to support your inquiry. The goal is to explore your topic early, so that you can begin to research from a strong set of questions and claims.Assignment: In a 1-2 page paper, state your tentative topic, guiding questions for your research, and discuss what types of evidence you see as central to developingand discussing your paper. Make sure you discuss why these types of evidence are central to your project, and how you will connect them to your claims. You can alsotake some time to discuss why the topic of interest to you. Your proposal needs to present a focused topic.
Your set of questions needs to lead you toward claims and an argumentative and analytic paper. Your questions should NOT just lead you to find information.
Your source types should be appropriate for your topic and questions, and you should explain why they work for this topic.
Your proposal should be written in narrative form (no listing), proofread and free of grammar errors..The Details
One Two pages in length
MLA or other consistent style guide formatThis assignment is due:
M/W 2:30-4pm class: March 25th, 4pm
T/Th 8:30-10am class: March 26th, 10am
T/Th 2:30-4pm class: March 26th, 4pm