The main text for this assignment must be word-processed in Arial, font 12, double spacing, minimum 2cm margins all around.
You are required to write an essay which addresses a topic that we have covered in the module (I chose Taxation)
Critically evaluate the role of effective tax administration in contributing to sound public finances. You should focus on either (i) developing countries; OR (ii) developed countries OR (iii) compare and contrast tax administration in developed and developing countries
You will be marked according to five criteria:
• Quality of Presentation
• Understanding and use of Theory
• Quality of Analysis
• Structure and Argument
• Conclusions
The examiners will be looking for the following elements for each of these criteria.
• All material is thoroughly and correctly referenced.
• Citations are given in the Harvard format, unless specifically specified otherwise in the assignment brief.
• Direct quotations from sources are referenced with page numbers.
• Appropriate use has been made of tables, diagrams, graphs and pictures.
• The use of formatting (line spacing, font, justified margins etc) is consistent throughout.
• The text is clear and readable, without typographic errors and spelling mistakes.
• The assignment is within the maximum word length suggested.
• The bibliography contains only the works cited in the assignment, is presented in author alphabetical order and is complete, accurate, and consistently formatted.
• Evidence of wider reading i.e. not relying on a textbook or single text source, but engaging with specialist texts, journal articles and reports.
• A demonstration of an understanding and awareness of a range of theoretical positions or technical options.
• The ability to place a particular text’s argument within a range of positions evident in the literature and to recognise its strengths and limitations as an explanatory framework.
• Direct quotes, paraphrasing or other evidence of active engagement with theory and/or technique is apparent throughout the assignment.
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• The assignment demonstrates an ability to understand different perspectives i.e. the student can evaluate different options, engage critically with theory and practice and can justify their analysis above other available solutions or viewpoints.
• The analysis results from the use of judgement and discernment in selecting theory and applying it to the situation or problem.
• The selection of techniques and viewpoints are justified by the problem or issue outlined.
• Reflection and observation are integrated in the analysis in an appropriate way i.e. a supported argument illustrated with observation rather than a statement of opinion.
Structure and Argument
• An essay assignment will normally include an introduction, several sub-titled sections in the main body, a conclusion and a bibliography. Alternative formats may be specified by the assignment brief and, if so, have been used.
• A coherent argument is evident, which clearly links the different elements of the assignment together and leads the reader through to a justifiable conclusion.
• The argument is logically constructed with each section building on the insights of preceding sections i.e. different perspectives are not simply thrown together without an understanding of how they contribute to the overall argument presented.
• Theory is integrated into the analytical and/or practical elements of the assignment where appropriate
• Meaning is not obscured by poor grammar, paragraph or sentence construction.
• The conclusion summarises the whole of the assignment and not just the analysis i.e. conclusions relate questions posed, adequacy of the theory, empirical issues explored and reflect on the student’s approach to the work.
• The conclusions refer to the argument presented to that point and do not introduce new ideas or arguments “at the last moment”.
• The conclusion demonstrates the ability of the student to justify their theoretical and analytical approach.
• Conclusions have been drawn and follow, and are justified by, the analysis in the main body of the assignment. Where required, practical recommendations are feasible and follow on from the conclusions, addressing the issues identified.