(International Directory of Company Histories). Apple rarely develops a new product; instead, they refine the existing products and make them stylish and more functional. IPhone smartphone are products made and marketed by the Apple Corporation and television screen in June 2007. However, the Apple Corporation developed the iPhone smartphones, which hit the market in an astonishing way as it showed extemporary results from the huge sales made (Patrick 7). Through this, the whole market is changed as the new product dominated, leading to a decline in the sales of fashion phones.
Target Market
The target market is the major part that a business entity should first define when drawing a business plan. For the Apple Corporation, the target market involves the middle and upper-class income-earners who are ready to pay a little more for better services and experience as well as having some fun with technology. The target market also includes music enthusiasts of ages 13 – 40, who like to take a lot of photos or videos and are heavy internet users. Adults use iPhone on a daily basis in making calls, accessing maps for direction, cameras, and the internet services (Finkle, Todd and Mallin 40).
The largest geographic marketplace for the Apple Corporation is the United States, which accounts for more than half of the corporation’s sales. Business people find the Apple devices quite intriguing as they provide some quality aspects that are useful in their operations. The business people use the devices to finish their jobs in an efficient manner, communicate with other business people and customers, as well as send documents in an easy and organized way. Professionals in media, fashion, and design also find the Apple products suitable for running their activities. College and university students are fond of MacBook’s and iPhones, which they use to record lecturer’s notes, which is stored in these devices in an organized manner. These devices are light, making them portable.
Product value proposition to the target market
The Apple iPhone took the world by storm when it developed and sustained a high-level technological operating system (iOS) that give the consumers a unique satisfaction (Grossman 66). Taking the advantage of being the first company to develop the operating system, the Apple Corporation pushes on into modifying the systems and enhancing their efficiency in serving the customers. A strong product value proposition attracts and maintains the kind of customers that the business intends to have. People will never purchase anything from a company if they are not convinced of the reasons why they should pay attention to you (Armstrong et al. 173-174). The product value proposition gives guidance during decision-making, and the firm can clear marketing messages and persuasive promises to the customers that they can deliver.
Apple’s products are developed in a way that will favor the creative and talented individuals who look forward to sharing their idea with others. Apple does this by offering some creative expressions through human technologies that are easy to operate and consistently innovates them in order to stay ahead of the other emerging technologies (Barfield, Woodrow, and Thomas 3-5). With Apple products, the consumers are assured of high-quality products that are well designed to serve their tastes.
SWOT Analysis
Strategic Direction
The marketing mix variables are used by the corporation’s management in establishing strategic decisions, which are essential for enhancing smooth operations in the corporation. The existence of a business entity is entirely based on the product offered, as it is what makes the business (Kotler 32). Therefore, product decisions are the first to be made and require scrutiny as they determine the success of the firm. Subsequently, these decisions made determine the other variables that make up the marketing mix. For the Apple Corporation, more innovations should be undertaken through product diversification.
Determining the price of the product depends on several variables, which makes it is essential to keep updating the prices. It includes putting the costs involved in advertising, marketing, and even distribution into consideration and varying the product prices in accordance with the changes in these factors. However, pricing is not a problem for the Apple Company because it targets a specific market, and it is a way of maintaining its market (Pogue 3).
Apple Corporation has a huge marketplace in the US. However, the company has several other countries that they serve. The distribution channels for the corporation are superb, and they determine the profitability of the product.
Promotions in the marketing mix are largely dependent on the product as well as the decisions made when stipulating the prices. Apple Corporation gives special discounts on it refurbished products, and packaged back-to-school offers that targeted the university students. These promotional tactics help boost the sales for the company.
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