Topic: Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis of Gender Effects on Mathematics Achievement in Elementary Tutorial Classes
Order Description
The writer of my last order has great idea about the research topic and what is needed, so I am happy with what he has done in chapter 1. He should and must be the writer for the rest of the dissertation to be cohesive. Chapter 2 and 3 supposed to be:-
1. This will be Meta-analysis proposal or systematic Review
2. Enclosed you will find my resources witch include (A-templet of NOVA to be followed- ProQuest Documents-Qualitative research Method-Quantitative Research Method-Power Point for Systematic review of the Literature-Writing-chapter2 Lit review-Writing Chapter3-qualitative-research-method- Writing Chapter3-quanitative-research-method)
3. The resources should not be limited to my resources.
4. Chapter 2 should have at least 75 references, most if not all are of the newer researches. Not older than 5 years.
5. One of the resources is a dissertation of A META-ANALYSIS OF GENDER DIFFERENCES IN MATHEMATICS ACHIEVEMENT by HAZEL EVANS FREEMAN 1984 which is very good guide in writing my dissertation.
6. Follow the templet of chapter 2 and 3 literary.
7. Chapter 2 and 3 will be followed by chapter 4 and 5 once the writing of chapter on is written according to these instructions.
dissertation to be cohesive.
8. Suggested research questions are
Research Questions
1. Is the tutorial gender class program at the target elementary stage effective in increasing students’ mathematics academic achievement?
D is the difference (a= after attending the program, b= before attending the program.)
Xa is the estimated mean achievement of students after attending the program.
Xb is the estimated mean achievement of students before attending the program.
SD (a-b) is the estimated within-class standard deviation, between after and before attending gender class program.
2. Is the tutorial gender class program at the target elementary stage more effective in increasing students’ mathematics academic achievement, with a female student group or with a male student group?
D is the difference (m is male student, f is female students.)
Xm is the estimated mean achievement of male students attended the program.
Xf is the estimated mean achievement of female students attended the program.
SD (m-f) is the estimated within-class standard deviation, between male students and female students attended the gender class program.
3. Is the tutorial gender class program at the target elementary stage more effective in increasing students’ mathematics academic achievement with a combined group consisting of male and female students?
D is the difference (ca= combined (male and female) group after attending the program, cb is combined (male and female) before attending the program.)
Xca is the estimated mean achievement of students (combined group) after attending the program.
Xcb is the estimated mean achievement of students (combined group) before attending the program.
SD (ca-cb) is the estimated within-class standard deviation, between students (combined group) after and before gender class program.
9- I am willing to accept any addition or changes from the writer