System Evaluation and Recommendations

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System Evaluation and Recommendations

System Evaluation and Recommendations

1. System Evaluation and Recommendations. Prepare a professionalmemo directed to your host organization contact summarizing your analysis and recommendations. Your memo must be presented in professional memo format, consist of a well-written synopsis of required content (see below), and be no more than 1-2 pages in length. Your memo must include the following content:

a) Strengths/Weaknesses (1-2 paragraphs). Provide a brief synopsis of critical system strengths and weaknesses identified during your analysis of the selected TPS. Consider operational effectiveness (i.e., whether the selected TPS accomplishes its intended function), operational efficiency (i.e., whether the selected TPS accomplishes its intended function in an economical and/or proficient manner), and information integrity (i.e., whether data captured, processed, stored, and distributed by the system is accurate, complete, and valid). Some of the weaknesses are old pc, old printer, and week data sharing among the departments. Note: Strengths and weaknesses should be assessed relative to the operations and information process objectives you identified above. If the system has no significant weaknesses (which is very unlikely), you must state so in your memo and carefully justify this assessment.
b) Recommendations (1-2 paragraphs). Provide well-justified recommendations for improving system processes for the selected TPS. Include as part of your recommendations, a synopsis of any additional resources (e.g., hardware, software, network technology) you deem necessary to implement your process recommendations. Baseyour recommendations on your system analysis and the critical weaknesses you identified above.
c) Feasibility Assessment (1 paragraph). Provide an assessment ofthe practical feasibility of the suggested recommendations. Consider the technical, operational, and economic feasibility of recommendations (e.g., Will your team’s recommendations require additional hardware and/or software technology? Will your team’s recommendations require changes to business processes, task structures, or employee responsibilities? Are your team’s recommendations costly?).