Healthcare Costs
June 10, 2020
. Watch the documentary “Wal-Mart: The High Price of Low Price”
June 10, 2020

System Design

Each questions requires 150 to 300 words depending on the topic. List all references/sources used for each questions.

1)Why is iteration important when creating a behavioral model?

2)What are the interrelationships between the functional, structural, and the
behavioral models that need to be tested?

3) Why is consistency in design important? Why can too much consistency cause

4) Compare and contrast server-based architectures, client-based architectures and
client-server- based architectures.

5) Compare and contrast an information change management strategy with a political change
management strategy. Is one better” than the other?

6) Review and reflect on what you learned in the past 8 weeks. What is the most practical and easily applied lesson you learned? What was the hardest to grasp? Why? What else do you need to know about Systems Design?
Each questions requires 150 to 300 words depending on the topic. List all references/sources used for each questions.