Sustainability and Business.

Discuss the future of rhetoric in our electronic age.
May 19, 2020
[Order from Ray]-Urgent-Critical reflection
May 19, 2020

Sustainability and Business.



Write a research-based argument (2,000 words), in an essay format, on any topic related to the subject matter we have

been studying. Early in your research process you must identify within your topic area a problem, question, or

controversy that requires from you a thesis statement supported by your own critical thinking. Use the introduction of

your essay to engage with your reader’s interest in the problem or question you plan to address, showing why it is both

problematic and significant. The body of your essay should be your own response to this question made as persuasive as

possible through appropriate analysis, argumentation, and use of evidence.

In order to do well on this essay, you need to do these things:

Have a thesis statement at the end of the first paragraph
Have your own clear answer to the question?
Support your answer with strong arguments and evidence from reliable sources.
Make your essay clear enough for a reader to understand with one reading. This could be achieved by making effective use

of paragraphs and transitions; and accurate mechanics (grammar, spelling, punctuation and clear sentences).
Number the pages. Use Times New Roman Font, regular style, font size 12, one inch margins and 1.5 line spacing.

Grading of the assessment will include:

The Question is :
( Is over-consumtion the fault of business?
Why the world consume more?
How do we change consumer behaviour?)

Presentation and style: coherence and organisation, clarity of expression
Conforming to instructions: Attention to purpose, Referencing
Content and knowledge: content and range of knowledge displayed, use of literature/evidence of reading