survey monkey/

High Speed Chase
October 8, 2020
Topic: Job – Human Resources
October 8, 2020

survey monkey/

survey monkey/


To persuade your audience on a proposition of policy; thus, convincing your audience that a specific course of action should be taken.
To use effective methods of persuasion: building credibility, using evidence, using logical reasoning, and appealing to emotions.
To use effective delivery techniques, descriptive language techniques, audience analysis, and a variety of supporting material.

Your formal persuasive speech is designed to help you develop persuasive speech making skills. Your goal is to persuade your audience for or against a Question of
Policy. Questions of Policy inevitably involve Questions of Fact and Questions of Value BUT Questions of Policy always go beyond both to decide whether something
should or should not be done. In other words, Questions of Policy attempt to persuade an audience that a specific course of action should or should not be taken. You
may seek either passive agreement or immediate action from the audience, both of which should include all three (3) basic issues of policy speeches – need, plan, and

A variety of topics would be appropriate. For example, you might try to persuade us that same-sex marriage should be legalized, to agree that a security fence should
be constructed along the US/Mexico border, to create a living will, to vote for a total ban on human cloning, that school districts should not allow soft-drink
companies to stock their products in school vending machines, or that we should put an end to the violence on television.


You must have an audience of at least 6 people over the age of 16, including your camera operator. You should pan your audience before you begin your speech, begin
your speech without stopping or splicing the video, then pan the audience again at the conclusion of your speech. Failure to have less than the required 6 audience
members will result in failing the assignment.
A visual aid is required for this presentation. Practice with your visual aid ahead of time so it will fit smoothly into your presentation. See Chapter 13 for types of
visual aids you can use.
Your speech should be effectively organized following one of the organizational patterns discussed in Chapter 16 of your text, outlined following formal outline
format, introduced and concluded.
Your speech should be supported with at least 6 pieces of supporting materials. Your examples, statistics, and quotations need to be cited in 1) your speech, 2) your
speech outline, and 3) your bibliography. You must use a minimum of 3 DIFFERENT TYPES of sources, with a minimum of 4total sources in your bibliography. Of these
sources no more than 1 can be an interview. Be sure to cite the original source of information (a data base like Wikipedia or Ebscohost is NOT a source, but a
compilation from many sources). WHO the source is and why they are qualified must be cited out loud in your speech, written into your Preparation Outline where the
supporting material from the source occurs, and listed in your Bibliography/Works Cited list. Remember to incorporate your sources and citations into your speech
delivery (e.g. “Time reported in March, 2015, …).
Your speech should include vivid language and arresting images by using a minimum of 2 language devices discussed in Chapter 12 (metaphors, similes, alliteration,
parallelism, antithesis, or repetition.) Label the language devices on your preparation outline.
You should administer an audience analysis questionnaire in the Session 13 Discussion Board (with 2 fixed-alternative questions, 2 scale questions, and 2 open-ended
questions – see text example on page 112) using Survey Monkey ( A tally of your survey results and typed paragraph describing what you did in
developing the speech to adapt to your audience must accompany the outline (you can make them all in one document to attach to your speech in Connect). You should plan
to mention your survey results in your speech. See supplemental handout – “Creating a Survey Monkey” in Session 8 OR under the Resources tab.
Your preparation outline must be prepared and typed following formal outline format (see the 10 Rules for Outlining under Resources in Blackboard). You may request
your instructor to review a draft copy of your outline ahead of time.
Your speech must be delivered extemporaneously from brief notes. Do NOT prepare a speech manuscript; do NOT memorize a manuscript. Be sure your note card is clear,
concise, brief, and easy for you to see while delivering your speech.
Attach both your Preparation Outline and Speaking Outline to the assignment in Connect. After you submit the video, there is a place to attach documents. Browse your
computer to find your Preparation Outline, then click on <+ add additional files> and browse again to attach your Speaking Outline. In order for your speech to count
as “on time” you must submit both your Preparation Outline and your Speaking Outline at the time you submit your video and by the due date on the calendar.
Practice your speech several times before you deliver your speech in front of your audience. Check the timing to know what will fit in the 6-8 minute time limit and
make cuts as necessary.
After you submit your speech video, you should watch your video again, and complete the self-evaluation on Connect. This counts as part of your speech grade.
This assignment is worth a possible ___ points. Evaluation criteria include: Clear Persuasive Proposition, Introduction, Motivational Appeals, Credibility Appeals,
Supporting Materials, Use of Transitions, Content Development, Logical Organization, Conclusion, Delivery, Audience-Centeredness, and Outlines.


___ Formal Preparation Outline & Bibliography

___ Speaking Notes

___ Audience Analysis w/ Tally & Paragraph