Summary of first four chapters of Marshall McLuhan Understanding Media

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Summary of first four chapters of Marshall McLuhan Understanding Media

Summary of first four chapters of Marshall McLuhan Understanding Media
Project description
I. An opening paragraph that 1) introduces the ideas of McLuhan’s, 2) indicates that he was writing in the context of the rise of television as a technology that transformed human psychology and behavior on a mass scale, 3)indicates that you are applying his theory to the internet age by examining electronic media consumption habits,particularly your owns.

II.One paragraph interpreting the effects of these habits on your perceptions, psychology and behavior in terms of McLuhan’s notions of narcosis, narcism, somnambulism and autoamputation. Consider in particular the effects on your perceptual beinG (e.g the nervous system). as discussed by McLuhan.

III. A short closing paragraph that does not repeat statements you made earlier but shows 1) your sense of the extent to which the key ideas of McLuhan’s theory in Understanding Extensions of Man are meaningful or valid for understanding the effects of electronic media use in the internet age and 2) what strategy or strategies you and others might take to counteract any negative effects of these habits.