Summarizes the current status of the lawsuits against the tobacco industry. Make sure your paper answers the following questions:

: Research skills assignment
August 15, 2020
Performance Enhancement and Pre-competitive Anxiety Management among USAG Junior Olympic Gymnasts
August 15, 2020

Summarizes the current status of the lawsuits against the tobacco industry. Make sure your paper answers the following questions:

Summarizes the current status of the lawsuits against the tobacco industry. Make sure your paper answers the following questions:

1. What is the legal basis for most of the current lawsuits? Negligence? Product Liability? Breach of Contract?

2. What are the defenses being argued by the tobacco industry?
3. Are the lawsuits being filed in Federal court, or in state courts, or both?
4. What kinds of results are you finding at the trial level? on appeal?
5. Which side is winning, the Plaintiffs or the tobacco industry?