Students must determine in their papers whether these positions are well-founded. In other words, should we do away with the juvenile courts?

March 18, 2020
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March 18, 2020

Students must determine in their papers whether these positions are well-founded. In other words, should we do away with the juvenile courts?

The research paper should be 5 pages in length, in MLA format, with a proper Work Cited page.
In this paper, students will consider The Future of Juvenile Justice.  In the Juvenile Justice text, the authors argue that the juvenile justice system may cease to exist as a separate entity in the future.  In the Essential Readings text, several quoted experts agree that juveniles might be better served in the adult criminal courts.  Students must determine in their papers whether these positions are well-founded.  In other words, should we do away with the juvenile courts? With respect to making a determination on this issue, students must formulate a well-defined thesis. In other words, you must form your opinion, and prove it through your research. Students must use at least 5 citations from the assigned textbooks. Essential Readings in Juvenile Reading by David L. Parry and Juvenile Justice by Steven Cox and Jennifer Allen, 7th edition.