Student will develop a content plan, for social media (By Twitter), with an

August 30, 2020
The Developing Manager
August 30, 2020

Student will develop a content plan, for social media (By Twitter), with an

Student will develop a content plan, for social media (By Twitter), with an
emphasis on developing the actual content. Using the mini case studies as bellow:
Local B2C company
Photography Business in Seattle
A local photographer starting a portrait business in Seattle
Services:1.Senior Pictures. 2.Model Portfolios
Audiences: Students and their parents in the market for senior pictures (is customary in the area have a set of pictures taken of a senior along with a picture to be submitted for the high school yearbook).
Aspiring models and their parents.

1. lay out a schedule/plan(e.g. how often they will post, what subject/content they will post about)
2. create(write the actual copy, if an image is involved either show it or describe it) the actual
content for at least five postings.
The deliverable will be (1) the schedule/plan presented in a clear manner such as flow chart with each of the events(whatever “published”) included. (2) example content. content will be graded on both the quality and the quantity. The latter, quantity, meaning the extent of the content produced-five tweets would not be much quantity(so that would not grade high unless they were incomparably brilliant tweets).
It is not writing about content marketing. It is writing content. The objective is to learn about content marketing by developing a social media mix, developing a schedule for using that mix, and actually writing some content.