Structure and Functions of Organs Academic Essay

Psychology and Education
September 6, 2020
September 6, 2020

Structure and Functions of Organs Academic Essay

Briefly describe the environment (temperature, landscape, food sources, etc.) and describe the organism’s role in the environment. Determine which organism your chosen organism be most closely related to using a phylogenetic tree. (2 pts)
Identify the structures and functions of the main organs found in your selected organism. (2 pts)
Explain how the organism has evolved physiologically to become suited to its environment. (2 pts)
Explain how things would change if the organism were to be transplanted to a significantly different environment:
Describe the new environment specifically. (1 pts)
Would their organ system still be as efficient? Why or why not? (2 pts)
Would the organism survive in this new environment? Why or why not? (1 pts)

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Posted on May 30, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Question