Street Execution of a Vietcong Prisoner, by Eddie Adams.

Policy and Advocacy
May 28, 2020
types of ethical issues
May 28, 2020

Street Execution of a Vietcong Prisoner, by Eddie Adams.

Street Execution of a Vietcong Prisoner, by Eddie Adams.
Part 1:
1.Research the background of Adams and the photograph Street Execution of a Vietcong Prisoner.
2.Make notes in your own words while researching. Keep track of quotations and sources so that you can reference the information later.
3.Create an outline for your research paper and then fill out the details. Compose a written paper that discusses all the topics listed below.
a.A brief background of the photographer:
i.What is his nationality?
ii.What are his places and dates of birth and death?
iii.What media (black and white, color, moving image, etc.) did he primarily work in?
iv.What are the titles of some of his famous pieces?
b.A brief background of the image:
i.When was the image taken?
ii.Why was Adams on the scene?
iii.What were the circumstances surrounding the event€”why was this prisoner executed, and who are the men portrayed?
iv.What was the public’s reaction to the image? How did this image differ from war photography of World War II? What influence did this photograph have on photojournalism?
v.Did the photographer comment on the image later in his career?

Part 2:
1.Consider whether there are places and moments that should not be photographed. Research Photography since 1950: The Straight Image and conduct an online search to support your points. Cite at least two specific examples when discussing moments when and places where photographic documentation is controversial while answering the following questions in your text in a narrative format:
a.Given Adams’s photograph as an example, would you have chosen to record the event or intervene to save the victim? What would be the benefits and consequences of your choice?
b.Are there moments that you think shouldn’t be photographed? Be specific in your response and support it with at least one additional example.
c.Are there places where photography should be forbidden? Be specific in your response and support it with at least one additional example.
d.If Adams’s photograph appeared in the media today, would the public accept it as truth or question its validity given the digital technologies available to photographers? Why? Find at least one example of a recent photographic fraud or digital tampering of an image in the news. How does an example like this foster a lack of trust in the media and images we see? How do professional photojournalists combat public distrust?
2.Add a works-cited page to the Microsoft Word document that lists all the sources you used in your research. Follow MLA conventions.