Based on a comprehensive SWOT analysis on the current situation in the consumer products industry, please identify Unilevers current competitive strategy and assess whether the strategy fits well with the situation. The guiding questions are as follows.1. What is the current state of the industry?2. What are the major strengths and weaknesses of the company?3. What are the major opportunities and threats in the companys current general and specific environments?4. What is the companys current competitive strategy? Is it a good fit for the companys current situation? Why?5. Is there a better strategy for the company to weather the current economic environment in the short run and to gain competitive advantages in the long run?Based on a comprehensive SWOT analysis on the current situation in the consumer products industry, please identify Unilevers current competitive strategy and assess whether the strategy fits well with the situation. The guiding questions are as follows.1. What is the current state of the industry?2. What are the major strengths and weaknesses of the company?3. What are the major opportunities and threats in the companys current general and specific environments?4. What is the companys current competitive strategy? Is it a good fit for the companys current situation? Why?5. Is there a better strategy for the company to weather the current economic environment in the short run and to gain competitive advantages in the long run?